All listings are in alphabetical order by last name (where applicable)
Personal Email:
Personal Website: Luna Moon's Place
Message Board: AE Luna's Epic Story Board: Dreams of Doom (on the Epic Stories message board)
AIM name: MaeMaenad
- Author's Comments:
- [she couldn't think of anything to say]
Also an Epic Stories staff member
Personal Email:
Personal Website: n/a
Message Board: n/a
AIM name: n/a
- Author's Comments:
- Your Olympic Hero is here! It's true! It's true! Just kidding. I'm the simple co-author of The Two Fates and good friend to both Jon Spike and Warteen (I need to think of a cool nickname for myself. How's the 'Heartbreak Chad' sound? 'HBC' for short). Anyway, enjoy my story and the other fine contributions to this site. IF YA SMELL...WHAT THE CHAD IS COOKIN'!"
Also an Epic Stories staff member
Personal Email:
Personal Website:
Message Board: N/A
AIM name: o7Intrepid
- The Two Fates chapters 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12
- Dreams of Doom chapters 13, 35, 44, 53 & 53.5, 68, 71, and 81
- Author's Comments:
- Enjoy the writing here. The silliness, the wierdness, our rare moments of lucidity...
![8-|)D [wazzap smiley]](../jon/art/wazzapsmiley.gif)
Also an Epic Stories staff member
Personal Email: gotta get this from him
Personal Website: need to ask
Message Board: Slayer 877 Red Dwarf Message Board @
AIM name: gotta as him about this, too
- Author's Comments:
- Something else I've gotta ask about
Personal Email: (Might be about to change in a few weeks time)
Personal Website: n/a
Message Board: Dead, we hardly knew thee
AIM name: UFO385
- Dreams of Doom chapters 7, 19, 41, 48, 52, 57, 63, 65, 66, 70, 72, 74, 77, 80, 82, and 84
- Author's Comments:
- I'm probably a very difficult person to contact, I only check my E-mail once in a blue moon, and I often don't activate AIM even if I am online. The best place to find me is hanging around Warteen's board or some of the boards that link with Warteen's. As for posting on Dreams of Doom, I have enjoyed writing chapters for it (but I will be relieved when it is finally wrapped up). I'm going to see about starting another similar project now that the original Epic Story board is no more.
Warteen (Adam Sanborn)
Personal Email:
Personal Website:
Message Board: The Universal Final Fantasy III Message Board
AIM name: Warteen
- The Two Fates chapter 13 t.a.e
- Dreams of Doom chapters 2, 10, 12, 15, 22, 27, 30, 32, 39, 75, and 83
- Author's Comments:
- What's up, people? I'm here as the second staff member to Jon Spike's Epic Stories and one of the premier writers in Dreams of Doom, as you can see if you check out the archives (see link above). I can vouch for the fact that Jon's a great guy, but don't tell him that. :-) You can visit to find out more about me personally, but who cares about that stuff anyway? I hope you enjoy my humble submissions to the site.
Also an Epic Stories staff member
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