Jon's WebsiteDon't let the sound of your words drive you crazy |
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Hi and welcome to my web page. I'm Jon, a 23-year-old guy from Michigan (briefly of Arizona), struggling Christian, aspiring writer, artist, computer programmer and so many (too many?) other things as well. Graduated from hell, I mean High School, all the way back in '99 (wow, long freaking time ago). Bounced around between a couple of community colleges and working since then, an' I'm just looking to find my way. What an odd thing to say in a country where basic needs can be met so relatively easily, but there you are. Well, now that you've heard my life-story-in-a-bottle, just a couple more comments. One, for those of you who know me, you're going to be quite surprised by the amount of talking (ok, writing) I do here. I tend to write a *lot* more than I speak. Also, on this page you get to see a lot more of my ranting than I usually make public. I'm generally a quiet-yet-happy person most of the time. Finally, this is a personal page, and while I do mess with the format a lot, it's not exactly my best work in website design. Peace all, and enjoy the site |
What's New |
ABOUT MY GUESTBOOK: Some people keep a guestbook in their homes for everyone who visits to sign. They have records of who was at what party or event and the date, and it makes a great memory aid. This one friend of my father's has books going back to the 1960's, if not farther. I think this is an incredibly cool idea, so please, the first time you come here, sign it! Even if you just leave your name, let me know you came. Old New Stuff. Heh. Sounds kinda funny. |
Table of contents | |||
Badly-formatted stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else |
Background image provided by Infinity Texture Maker. Very cool program, check it out. I try to use HTML that is not browser-specific. Look at it with any browser (even Lynx), and it'll still be pretty. It's registered with the Anybrowser Campaign and the , the first of which even still exists. Can you find the hidden page? Kristyn and Ian should be able to guess... All content copyright 1999-2005 by Jon Keim, except where noted or forgotten. |
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295 badly inflated hits between 2001 0402 and 2001 0502, but I fixed the bug that caused that