Just a note: All weights are estimated. And I assure you that, as far as estimating weights goes, I have no idea what I'm doing. If I could actually put these characters on a scale, my estimates would be more accurate, but every time I've tried, they've only weighed as much as the paper they were written on.
When Shadow first joined Nightshade on patrol they wanted a name, so they formed Justice8. Of course, back then, it was only Justice2, but as they gathered more members, they eventually became recognized as one of the most elite new teams in the world
Nightshade (Timmothy Scott Randen)
- Height
- 6'5"
- Weight
- 205
- Hair
- short, brown, and fuzzy, cut in the current style
- Eyes
- Blue - gray
- Gender
- Male
- General
- At 6'5" and 16 years old, Tim is your typical teen, though a fairly large one. A big smile accompanies him everywhere. As Nightshade, he wears a fairly standard black ninja suit, with 3 foot retractable claws (it's meant to be overkill) extending from his fingers and a thin, clear eye guard across the eye hole in his mask. Also, a thick, dark-gray line extends from one shoulder to the other of his suit, and another from his neck down to his lower torso, forming a cross.
- Origin and History
- Personality
- He's very energetic and happy almost all of time. Always ready with a joke or something silly to do. He's deep and can be very sincere, but rarely acts or speaks very seriously, which annoys and/or confuses most people. He's also a ladies man, always ready with a line or compliment that only only he could think of. Lastly, he's a well based Christian. He knows what he's about, can give sound advice when needed, and is almost always able to show everyone he meets a good measure of God's grace & love, mainly through kind actions and a simple, unassuming manner. He's quite adept at witnessing with words in unusual ways, too. He's not always quite so smooth though, and will sometimes get a little too wacky and find himself with his foot planted firmly in his mouth (figuratively or literaly), or perhaps falling off a building and being saved by Shadow. Overall, he's a thoroughly entertaining person, with not a shy bone in his body.
- Powers -- Nightshade has four unusual powers.
- Fighting skills -- This is the power that is the most valuable to Tim as Nightshade, the one that packs the most kick. He is, both instinctively and by the Holy Spirit, an incredible fighter on par with King David's Mighty Men, who were Biblical warriors of incredible skill. He is skilled in most martial arts, as well as being generally well-versed in combat, and can defeat, or at least match, most anyone on Earth.
- Telepathy -- He can communicate wordlessly with any human or other living thing that he can touch, temporarily giving dumber creatures enough intelligence to communicate. He also has a mildly hypnotic effect on most living things, except humans, which makes them instinctively trust him. This effect is easily interfered with as it is not very strong.
- Physical strength -- He is a fairly strong person, comparing with many of the best weightlifters in the world, though he doesn't look like it. Especially strong are his legs. He can jump 100 feet both high and long from a standing position, and can run at 40 MPH for hours at a time. If you don't believe me, race him sometime.
Healing -- His healing powers are actually faith-based. He can heal others of anything from a paper cut to, well, death. It's usually accomplished in a fairly biblical fasion, where he will say to someone that in Jesus' name, they are healed, and there you go. Just for effect, he also usually holds one of his hands (which one doesn't matter) in a three-fingered sign language gesture for love, with thumb, index and pinkie extended. A blue, cross-shaped, electrical-looking energy glows around it when he does this, again just for effect. He can also identify any ailment, and tell a good deal about it, regardless of weather he has even heard of it before.
Healing himself is more of a tricky matter. He has incredible stamina, but he cannot heal himself instantly. If he is not actually killed, he will recover fully from any injury or sickness if left alone for three days.
Since his healing power is derived from his faith, he is also able to easily dissipate and disrupt the effects of magic, sorcery, and other evil or demonic powers. Finally, as an occasional bonus, God will use him to do other sorts of miracles as well (walk on water, stop storms, etc). This doesn't happen very often, tho, only when God's purpose can't be served in another way.
- Weaknesses
- He is human. He can recover from most any injury through the Holy Spirit, but it takes as long as three days before he is completely healed.
- Other Abilities and strengths
- He's pretty smart, with an IQ of around 200 and a vast knowledge in a surprising number of areas. He's also an accomplished gymnast, so he can look really cool flipping all over the place while he stops crimes and stuff.
Shadow (Bethany Laura Mellis)
- Height
- 6'1"
- Weight
- 160
- Hair
- Long Brown
- Eyes
- Brown
- Gender
- Female
- General
- Shadow is Nightshade's female counterpart. Or maybe he is her male counterpart. They're never sure. She is a tall, fairly pretty 16-year-old with a big smile, a happy personality and a pleasant face. Her costume is the same as Nightshade's, too. Though they are so much alike, she is slightly stronger and faster than he is (yes, the "she" and the "he" are in the right places).
- Origin and History
- Shadow is Tim's (Nightshade) lifelong friend. It's the kind of thing where you know that they are going to end up marrying each other eventually. There are so many twists in this eventuality, however, that it's going to take a while. She lives right next to Nightshade, and eventually, in the same house as him, when his family is forced to move in with hers. She decided to become Shadow after Tim revealed to her that he was Nightshade. She asked Tim if she could join him in the superhero thing. He was glad to have someone for company that wasn't his older sister, so he agreed, and said he'd make her a suit and tools like his, since she exhibited powers and abilities similar to his. He helped her train her powers and abilities, and they made her suit in their spare time. When she felt she was ready, she joined him as Shadow.
- Personality
- Her personality is basically of the same type as Nightshade's, also, so they get along quite well. She is slightly less bouncy and more practical than he is, but only slightly. She also has a bit of a superiority complex because she is Nightshade's better in speed and strength, which he takes in stride.
- Powers
- Her powers are the same as Nightshades
- Weaknesses
- Her weaknesses are also the same as Nightshades
- Other Abilities and strengths
- She has the same abilities as Nightshade. She is an accomplished gymnast and highly intelligent.
Quickpaw (Stacey Katharine Morgan)
- Height
- 5'0"
- Weight
- 100
- Hair
- variable, usually golden yellow
- Eyes
- golden yellow cat's-eyes
- Gender
- Female
- General
- Quickpaw is a large, humanoid cat person (though short by human standards). She looks similar to most other cat/women in comics. She has a very catlike face, shaped a lot like that of a lionesses, with a prominent muzzle and soft, pleasant features. The rest of her body is humanoid, except covered in fur and with a long, leopard-like tail. She usually wears a modest tank top and shorts. Her fur, per her choice, is a golden yellow. When she doesn't want to be noticed as a cat-person, she uses a holographic imaging device to project an image of how she might look as a full human over herself. The projection follows her movements so that she doesn't move outside of it. I can't exactly tell you how this works, but that's part of the beauty of a comic book. I don't have to.
- Origin and History
- I now have a pretty good idea why she's a cat (and it has nothing to do with Meltdown's alien "benefactors"), but I don't want to go into it here 'cause it would spoil the surprise. Anyway, she moved in to town some time after Shadow had joined Nightshade in the superhero thing. Tim and Beth made friends with her in school, having accidentally seen through her hologram using one of Nighshade's gadgets. Later, as Nightshade & Shadow, they invited her to come out on patrol at night. After they were sure they could trust her, they invited her to join their team more permanently, and told her who they really were.
- Personality
- Quickpaw is the bounciest, happiest of my characters. She isn't quite as constantly funny/goofy as Nightshade or Shadow, but she makes up for it in sheer energy and friendliness. She is the first of the group to greet anyone new, and can hold long, engaging conversations with total strangers.
- Powers
Quickpaw has two powers:
- Unlimited range of motion -- Within a limited space, about 5 feet from her body, she has a nearly unlimited range of motion. Basically, what that means is that within a small area, she is really, really fast. Whenever she and Nightshade, or anyone for that matter, practice sparring, they are out flat in a few seconds. While she's not nearly as fast at long ranges, she can still run at up to 100 MPH for a long time. She's good at hockey, too.
- Chameleon-ness (new word!) -- She can alter the color of her fur quickly and accurately at a thought. She is skilled enough at this that, occasionally, people have not even noticed that she was a cat-person, even while her holo-projector is off.
- Weaknesses
- There isn't anything particularly special about her body's defenses. Bullets and lasers don't bounce off of her or anything. Technically, anything like a gun, knife, bomb, or boredom could kill her. This would be more difficult than it sounds, however, since she can bite the front end off of a bullet in mid flight, leaving the rest in undisturbed motion. A target moving as quickly as she does is very difficult to hit.
- Other Abilities and strengths
- While she is not specifically noted for her strength as, say, Superman is, her speed gives her an incredible punch. She can tear through steel like butter. She is also being trained (with some difficulty, considering her raw advantage in speed) in combat techniques by Shadow. And like most of my other characters, apparently, she is rather intelligent.
- Height
- 7'1"
- Weight
- 350 (when not molting)
- Hair
- No hair. Feathers
- Eyes
- golden yellow
- Gender
- Male
- General
- Falcon is, well, a seven foot tall humanoid peregrine falcon. His head is fully that of a falcon, but his body is humanoid, only covered in feathers. His feet are also humanoid, except covered in yellow scales like birds feet, with much longer toes and smaller foot part, and a heel claw. His wings are attached to his shoulder blades much in the same way as his arms are, and when not in use, fold up halfway around his body and cover his arms, something like how a bird's do, only adjusted for an upright posture.
- Origin and History
- I'm still figuring this one out. It might end up having something to do with the same aliens that created Meltdown, though. He may also end up being Native American, but before I commit to anything like that, I'm going to have to do some major research on their culture to make sure I portray him properly.
- Personality
- He's one of the more reserved members of Justice8. Not antisocial so much as just quiet and slightly withdrawn, he doesn't join in the "fun parts" so much as most of the others do. He does have a sort of dignity about him, and his own subtle sense of humor too.
- Powers
- His only real power is flight. That, and mildly increased strength. He can't juggle cars or anything too wacky, but can at least go through a wall or two, stuff like that. Oh. His eyesight is far more acute than a normal human's too.
- Weaknesses
- No special defenses are provided to him by his body. On top of that, once a year he molts (Imagine a plucked turkey seven feet tall). The amount of feathery fallout is incredible.
- Other Abilities and strengths
- Well, there's the obvious strong, sharp beak and talons. His feathers are also thick enough to provide him a little bit of protection from small arms fire, especially in the winter. Sort of a feathery flak jacket.
These are other good guys that I've come up with who show up from time to time. Originally, I had intended all of them (except Jesus) to be part of a group called "Conserva" that did environmental stuff, humanitarian missions, and the like. I'm probably going to, for the most part, just drop that idea in favor of having them as independant heros who pop up from time to time, though.
Anti-inflammatory note: This profile is written with a sense of fun and is not intended to sound preachy, just a little silly.
- Height
- 6'1"
- Weight
- 200
- Hair
- long and brown, with a beard, but variable at will
- Eyes
- Brown, but variable at will
- Gender
- God (He could appear as either, I suppose, but He's called The Son)
- General
- Probably the most important character in the comic, by reputation alone if nothing else. He fairly regularly appears in the background, especially at church functions, baptisms, etc. He will also occasionally appear to other characters and talk with them. Sometimes I pray that the real Jesus will tell me what words to write for him, so that's hopefully what you'll get, Him filling in his words for me. Sometimes he appears in a white robe, other times, in a slick ska/swingish suit, and sometimes, in something that fits the occasion, like army fatigues or whatever. He's also got a slick pair of black, mirrored Jokely sungasses, with a silver cross running the length of both stems, kind of like this side view ('scuse the artwork):
![[Jesus glasses]](jesusglasses.gif)
- Origin and History
- God only knows... ;)
- Personality
- Jesus, as far as I know, and especially in my comics, is a happy person. He likes to joke around most of the time, and usually carries a big smile on His face. He likes to do unexpected things with His Godly powers, perhaps like taking Nightshade's place in the middle of rescuing someone and sending Nightshade someplace else where he is needed (that's a pretty poor example, I know. They get better, I hope). Despite all the levity, He certainly knows when to just get the job done. He's God, right?
- Powers
- God
- Weaknesses
- You've got to be kidding. His only weakness is that he will only do what he sees is for the best, which is not always the most popular course of action, just the one that follows his plan. This is really his greatest power, not a weakness.
- Other Abilities and strengths
- Well, He's an absolutely perfect being of pure love, for one
Vel (Valerie)
- Height
- 4'9" (6'10" long from nose to tail)
- Weight
- 250 lbs
- Hair
- none (I thought about giving her long hair to differentiate her from Losi, but that just looked ridiculous when I thought about it)
- Eyes
- bright yellow cat's-eyes
- Gender
- Female
- General
- Vel is a genetically engineered velociraptor. Even though raptors are smaller than they are portrayed in the movies, a six inch killing claw on each foot and razor claws on her long hands, not to mention powerful jaws bristling with knifelike teeth, still make her a fairly imposing sight. And at a close distance, her roar is absolutely terrifying.
- Origin and History
- Personality
- She is (was, actually) a fairly typical 15 year old girl. I'm not sure I want to get into the gory details of exactly what that's like because I'd be risking retaliation from all of the 15 year old girls out there, but suffice to say that she knows how to be nice when she wants to, but can also be absolutely unbearable to be around. What's more, she's never been very tough or fond of nature, and therefore isn't too happy with her slow, physically and mentally painful transformation into what she considers "a disgusting creature" (for all you Feminists or whatever out there, this is only HER personality... My sister is, in fact, almost a perfect antithesis to Vel's preferences). As time goes on, though, she accepts who/what she has become, and even begins to enjoy being one of God's greatest predators. During this change in attitude is also a personality change and maturing, from a small human girl struggling to find her way into adulthood to a confident and very sly, almost serpentine, mature female raptor
- Powers
- She has no superpowers
- Weaknesses
- She's flesh and blood. Her thick hide would help a bit in a knife fight, but otherwise she's as vulnerable as anyone else
- Other Abilities and strengths
- She has far greater agility, stealth, strength, and endurance than a normal human, instinctual fighting skill, that sort of thing. Once she gets used to the idea and learns a bit about the real outdoors (i.e.: when on camping trips, comes out of the RV once in a while), she'll also learn how to use her instinctual hunting skills and end up able to survive in almost any environment.