This is obviously my picture gallery. Enjoy these few snapshots from my real life. Oh, and click the thumbnail for a larger picture. Did I mention that I *really* like how the formatting of this page turned out? Well now I have. Also, please don't steal any pictures from here. Why would you want pics of my ugly mug anyway? (:
Why are there more pics of me here than other people? I'm not on an ego trip, it's just 'cause it's not a photo-diary of events from my life, just a few pics relatives and other site visitors might be curious to see.
There are a couple pictures from Anime Central 2003 sitting around.
Believe it or not, all my pictures from Anime Central 2004 are already posted, too.
![Wedding Badasses [Three badasses at our mutual friends' wedding]](t_2004_0530_wedding_badasses.jpg)
Date: 5/30/2004
Time: 5:00pm~ish
Notes: The Untouchables (a.k.a. Josh, Wendy and yours truly) attend the wedding of two of our friends, Mike and Molly. I left the silly border because it's so wonderfully incogruous with the rest of the picture.
![[Adam and I on the Raptor @ Cedar Point, 6/16/2003]](t_20030616cedarpoint.jpg)
Date: 6/16/2003
Time: 6-ish in the afternoon
Notes: Adam and I on the Raptor at Cedar Point. It takes a well-refined sense of self-parody to buy a picture like this, I think. Note the longer hair.
Adam and I were both posing for the camera for the whole friggin' ride, but he stopped posing just before the camera actually came. Poor guy. ^_^;;; Also tried to do some color correction, to make up for a crummy picture and a crummy scan. Unfortunately, I can't make up for the fact that color-correcting on an LCD monitor is kinda crummy anyway. So your milage may vary.
I think I have one of these pictures for each of the last... 5 years, maybe? If only I could find the others.
![[Chad and I on The Magnum @ Cedar Point, 8/4/2002]](t_20020804cedarpoint.jpg)
Date: 8/4/2002
Time: afternoon-ish
Notes: Chad and I on the Magnum at Cedar Point. I think I have some sort of fascination with sticking my tounge out at the camera. Need to think of something different to do next year.
![[Me on The Magnum @ Cedar Point, 6/19/2001]](t_20010619cedarpoint.jpg)
Date: 6/19/2001
Time: 4-ish in the afternoon
Notes: This is me on the Magnum at... you guessed it, Cedar Point. Front car, too. I had been in line to ride solo a few seats back, with my two friends in the spot in front of me. But a solo rider was in the front, so they stuck me up there. Well worth the exorbitant price you pay them for the pic.
![[It's Frisky!]](t_20001215frisky.jpg)
Date: sometime in mid 12/2000
Time: who knows?
Notes: If you hadn't guessed by now, this is Frisky, one of my family's dogs. Now I gotta dig up a picture of Dot to put up too, or she'll get jealous
![[Coming Soon... Need to redo a crappy scan]](badpic.giffed)
Date: 7/2/2000
Time: 'bout half an hour before sunset
Notes: My friend Kim & I at Jim's (a mutual friend) graudation party in McClumpha park. This is kind of a blurry pic, and a bad one of me besides, but I had to post *one* with Kim in it.
![[Into Horizon]](t_19990906intohorizon.jpg)
Date: 9/6/1999
Time: middle to late afternoon
Notes: Ever just wanna wander off into the horizon and never come back?
This was taken on the Lake Michigan Carferry, on the way back from visiting my Uncle (and family) in Wisconsin. I think Dad wanted to take a picture of me looking at him against the horizon... but he got a good shot anyway. I just really like the mood this picture sets, even though I didn't feel that way when it was taken. (I in fact only discovered the picture months later while going through photos from the trip)
![[Me at my Senior Party, 6/13/1999]](t_19990613seniorparty.jpg)
Date: 6/13/1999
Time: *very* late at night
Notes: They had this crappy digital camera set up at my school's Senior Party, so I had one taken of me.
![[Carrie and I at graduation]](t_19990613jandcgraduate.jpg)
Date: 6/13/1999
Time: 6pm-ish
Notes: My friend Carrie and I at our graduation! Yes, I asked her permission before I posted the pic.
Date: 9/29/1998
Time: mid-afternoon?
Notes: Senior pictures! As Beth Martin put it, there's the "Ladies' Man" picture, the "Mommas Boy", and the "Goofy Glasses". Ph33r the glasses! (I was wearing contacts back then)
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