Hey. If you want to draw a picture of one of my characters, please do! I'll post it right here, along with a credit to you. Oh, obviously, click on the thumbnail for a bigger picture.
By: Chad
Drawn: sometime prior to 7/1/2001
I know, I know, my profile for this guy isn't up on the main page yet. But this is still a decent rendition of him by Chad, though I must apologize for the smudgemarks and lines on the paper. My skill with an image editing program wasn't what it should be when I posted this picture. All I'll say about the character himself for now is that he has something to do with Quickpaw.
By: Simon Woo
Sent: 3/27/2003
Like the image says at the bottom, Skintight is probably my dumbest idea for a villian ever. I have no idea where I came up with the idea. Fun thing is, he's supposed to be a brutally nasty guy. He's probably just pissed off that he exists.
- Simon's commentary:
Pinko man I mean skintight guy doesn't like being ignored. Pay attention or be smushed by the sacrilegious pinkness that is him.
PS, Nightshade will fall under the powers of sloth and cease to exist!
Your evil enemies,
Shintoism Ninja and Captain Apathy
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