Epic Stories

"What's new" archives


April 29, 2001 -- by Jon Spike

Wow. Been a long time since anything got done here. Well, I created our message board tonight, and added it's link to the "Other stuff" section. Stop by and help kick the place off. And as always, enjoy.

April 2, 2001 (later in the day) -- by Jon Spike

Added *another* staffer today! Cool! Admittedly, I only forgot to list him on the page, and he's been one all along, but everybody say hi to Chad anyway. If he'll let me post his email address, that is. Also, I added the Authors page and spun the Staff section off into a new Staff page. The only people on the authors' page so far are us three staffers and UFO, whom I needed to put up so the link in the what's new item below would work. My apologies to all the authors who's info sections aren't up yet... I've already spent far too much time on this blasted page tonight, and homework is still calling me. One final thing at the end of the day: The site now has a counter down at the bottom... Hopefully it won't slow things down too much.

April 2, 2001 -- by Jon Spike

Added Warteen as another staff member! Wahoo! <chuckle> And he says MIGHT even have a story of his own to add to the archive... Fancy that. I also added the "What's New" section.

April 1, 2001 -- by Jon Spike

Added Chapter 84 of the Dreams of Doom saga by UFO

March 19, 2001 -- by Jon Spike

This site launches!

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