Jon's Website


Here I've saved useless old scraps of my website because I thought they were almost interesting. I'm a pack rat. Sue me.

old site layouts

  • Bluegreen -- my first real attempt at a web-page colorscheme (briefly during the holiday season of 1999/2000, the site was a garish red and green. But we won't go there).
  • Firstables -- first layout using tables as major section dividers in each page. This isn't the index page, I don't actually have an archived version of that.


  • About Me Archives -- old versions of the intro text on my About Me page. I'm curious to see how this changes over the years. ^^;
  • Elf Life Forum Lurkers Guild -- this should probably just die. A joke from an old signature from an old forum I almost used to participate in. It used to be one of the hidden pages I talk about on the index page. But now that it's dead, it's out there for everyone.
  • Website Glossary -- once an actual part of my site, it's proved it's uselessness by not being altered in the last... oh, couple years. I don't really *want* a glossary on my site any more, so here it will die.
  • Messageboard -- A place to chat about my site, or anything else. Go here if you want something more interactive than a simple guestbook. [this link is no more because the messageboard company shut down]


Stuff to pray for

Jon sez: This section finally got moved off my front page. I'm not sure what to say about that. Maybe "sorry", I dunno.

(very much incomplete)

  • Me, for one. You want some specifics? As though you didn't have enough to pray about before (I don't know anyone who truthfully has a shortage of things needing prayer).

    • For one, God's direction in just, well, life. College is kind of a scary place when you don't know where you're going.
    • A second request is that God would help me to be as loud in speech as I am in text. If you've ever talked to me on the telephone or in person, you'd know that this amount and volume of speech is highly uncharacteristic.
    • Finally, for encouragement for a poor, broken, crazy kid struggling through vastly irregular sleep schedules, wavering faith, insanity, fear, probably a good collection of demons, his stubborn and stupid will, a rebellious spirit, general dumbness and naivety, and three months of little or no sunlight (stupid, stupid Michigan winters!!!).

    Now you're scared, aren't you? Heh heh heh. Hui. It's been one of those days. Doesn't really matter when you read this, because it's probably been a day like this again.

  • Native American Christians. God is doing some cool stuff through prayer on Indain reservations. You can email a guy named Russel Begaye for information, tho my mailserver couldn't find his... Try anyway, and tell me if you get a response, if you could

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